Getting more out of your data rich construction model with BIM 360 Glue - Beyond Design: the Construction and BIM blog

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Nice post

Thomas Schwaiger

@Chris Baze: try moving the Models and View dialogs away from their default position where they are docked to the toolbar. With that you can have both Models and Views dialog open in parallel and switch between the two without losing your color setting. Hope that helps!

Chris Baze

OK, I go to the model tab to select elements, then I go to the view tab to add a color to the selected elements. I can manually select more elements with my mouse and assign other colors to them, but in a large model, this is not feasible. I need to be able to select another set of elements from the model tab without it clearing my colors as soon as I jump back to that tab. Hope this makes sense.

Sunny Hira

@Chris Baze: Thank you for following Beyond Design.

Yes, you can add several colors in a single view. Simply select the entities you need to color in, apply the color in the Add Color dialog, select next entities and apply different color. When finished Save the view.

Chris Baze

Can you add several colors to one view somehow? Or is it limited to one color override per saved view?

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