BIM 360 Glue and Navisworks 2016: Real-time Collaboration is Here - Beyond Design: the Construction and BIM blog

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Julie Jacobson

Hi Arsen,
No, at this time BIM 360 Glue does not support animation and/or simulation found in Navisworks.

Arsen Safaryan

will you be able to push the TimeLiner animation/simulation to 360? And then lets say send the link to someone to login and play/view the simulation?

Julie Jacobson

Hi Daryl,
Once you log into your BIM 360 account from within Navisworks and save a model, it automatically saves to Glue in the Cloud.
(Unless you select “save-as” and save the Navisworks model locally).

Hope that helps!

Daryl Key

It seems as if the ability to push a new model from Navis to Glue has been taken away in this effort to upgrade the compatibility of Glue and Navis. Will this be brought back?



If the markups created on glue were visible in manage and if these markups were editable it would be a super package.


I've started using this. It's a major step. Making this an amazing application would be the ability to view glue markups similar to glue and also edit and add more if necessary.

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